Ordering Information

For your convenience, JXR TECHNOLOGY (HK) CO., LIMITED provides different options to help you place orders. Please review these options below.

After confirming the price and availability with our sales representative, you can submit your purchase order by email, fax, email or EDI (you need to set up your account in advance). You can fax and email the purchase order directly to your sales representative and/or

Accepted form of payment

Domestic orders
We accept a variety of payment methods: credit card (Visa, MasterCard and American Express), cashier/certified check, credit terms (prequalification required), bill of exchange, company check, wire transfer, custody transaction, Paypal and Alipay. The minimum price for any domestic order is US $100.00.

International Orders
All international orders are paid in advance or through escrow transactions. The minimum price for any international order is US $100.00.
Company checks and C.O.D.
It may take 3-5 days to process the order.

Telegraphic transfer
Please refer to the invoice and purchase order information on the bank file to ensure correct recording and application. A telegraphic transfer fee of US $30.00 will be added for all orders. International freight


We ship UPS, FedEx or DHL. If you provide us with your shipping account, we will ship accordingly, or we can ship and refund through our account. All charges are based on package size, weight and destination. In addition, if information is provided, we will perform "drop shipment" to other locations or customers. The above transportation methods are applicable to our international customers; All expenses are determined by the size, weight, value and destination of the package.JXR TECHNOLOGY (HK) CO., LIMITED complies with all export regulations, and shipment may be subject to ITAR restrictions. Any export restrictions may result in a delay in shipment lead time.

All orders are subject to the terms and conditions of JXR TECHNOLOGY (HK) CO., LIMITED If you have any questions, please call us and our sales representative will help you.